Books, workbooks, apps, YouTube, and podcast recommendations are below.
Reading Recommendations
For the SimplePractice client portal app use these links:
Track your mood and habits. You can export your entries to your therapist.
ACT app by Russ Harris.
Meditation app to listen to recordings from various providers, including Valerie.
Describe the item and include any relevant details. Click to edit the text.
Easy to follow meditations, with several categories depending on your needs.
This app helps you identify your emotions. You can export your entries to your therapist.
Podcasts & Youtube
Dr. May provides DBT and RO DBT concepts in her youtube series.
All things Gottman and relationship focused.
Russ breaks down ACT into bite-sized easy to understand concepts. Check out the book Happiness Trap if you like his methods.
Podcast interviews from anxiety, relationships to medications.